Tag: lentils

Channa Chaat

Indian street food always gets me excited! I enjoy food-tripping every time I visit India. The street food flavours you find in each city is...

Bulgur Lentil Pilaf

I love a good biryani, don't you? Ramadan is the time you get the fragrance of Biryani on every floor of my apartment complex, close...

Dal Ghosht

Welcome back to another one of my favourite recipes! Mutton is such a versatile meat and quite an indulgence for me, I love it...

Quinoa Steam Dosa

Quinoa is considered a super grain as it is high in proteins, fiber and is gluten free. Being highly nutritious, Quinoa Steam Dosa is...

Black Eyed Beans Salad

Hello and welcome back to another salad post. At our home, salad is a daily staple, yup that's right, I make a huge bowl...

Low Fat Shammi Kababs

I just love Shammi Kababs, it was an obsession for me! There used to be a time when this was a weekly standing order...

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