Yummy Berry Smoothie

The best way to eat fruit is in its natural form, and the second best? A Smoothie!

Smoothies are a wonderful way to get the kids to try new fruits, they will adore the colour and the texture associated with the berries. Just head out the local pop up market with your kids and give them a fun day filled with outdoor activities. Alongside they can help you pick out their favourite kinds of fruit and this gets them excited to get to see the end product- a lovely smoothie. This particular smoothie was requested by my daughter since she loves the pink-lavender shade of the smoothie.

What makes my smoothie a little bit more healthier than others you might think. Here’s the secret- Camel Milk. Most of the time my kids drink up this refreshing and highly nutritious milk without even knowing what hit them. Use it as an alternative to cows milk with your breakfast oats, coffee or any place where you want to use it. Camel milk is slightly salty compared to cows milk and doesn’t need to be heated up to very high temperatures for it to be consumed safe, that’s why it’s perfect for kids. Camel milk is an immunity booster and has many benefits. Lucky for me, it’s so easily available in the U.A.E supermarkets.

No Camel milk at your store? Don’t fret, just replace it with the milk of your choice like Almond, Soy or even Goat’s milk is pretty healthy!


1 cup fresh Strawberries and Blue berries

1 cup chilled Camel Milk

1 tbsp brown Sugar (optional)

In a blender, combine the mixed berries, milk and brown sugar. Cover, and blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve chilled.

Tip- Try other combinations like banana and Strawberry/ Raspberry. Frozen fruit is another way to save on time, just place it along with the milk and blend till it’s well done. I personally prefer my smoothie a bit chunky, with fruit bits to chew on, so be creative and try the variation in thickness of the smoothie by adding more or less milk.

Here’s another way to serve it topped with Blueberries and some coconut cream swirls on top.

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