Traditional Finnish Korvapuustit

Hi, I’m Micu and I’m from Lempäälä, Finland. Lempäälä is a small town with a population of 20,000 and is situated near Finland’s second biggest city, Tampere. Lempäälä is a lovely place to raise kids, with its verdant countryside and proximity to the city where everyone works.

Today I’ve made traditional Finnish Korvapuustit, which are a bit like cinnamon buns with a Finnish twist. These are vegan. Whenever a Finn asks you to come over for a cup of coffee, they always offer something to eat as well. Korvapuustit is the traditional, old school snack idea. And everybody loves them! Hope you like it too!

Korvapuustit (Vegan Cinnamon Buns)


500 ml soy or oats milk (I mostly use oat milk)

50 g fresh yeast

200 gms brown sugar

2 tsp salt

1 tbs ground cardamom

1 kg wheat flour

200 gms non-dairy margarine

Filling (quantity as you prefer)

non-dairy margarine

brown sugar

ground cinnamon

Mix the yeast with lukewarm milk. Add sugar, salt and cardamom. Add 700 gms of the flour and knead for a few minutes. Finally add room temperature margarine. Add the rest of the flour and knead until the dough stretches. Let it rest in a warm place until the dough has doubled (maybe inside a microwave, but not switched on!) When the dough has doubled, divide it into three. Take a rolling pin and roll it into a rectangular shape and spread the margarine, sugar and cinnamon on it. Now roll the dough sheet and cut into 4 cm pieces diagonally. Every piece is diagonal to the other direction.

Place the buns so that the thinnest part of the bun faces upwards. ​Then press every piece down in the middle with your index finger so that the bun will get “ears”. This move is what makes these cinnamon rolls the Finnish style, giving them a beautiful shape. Smear the buns with soy milk before putting them into the oven. Bake at 225 degrees F in the middle level for about 10 minutes​ until the buns attain a beautiful rich colour. Savor these delicious buns with a hot cup of coffee.

Micu has a full time position in an insurance company and moonlights as a party planner. She loves crafting, baking, interior decoration and planning parties. As a party planner she has a fun time exploring her creativity. She’s mom to a cute 6 year old- JoJo (who was a preemie) born almost 4 months too early, but thanks to Finland’s superb healthcare, she survived and is soon heading to pre-school! When Jojo was born, Micu needed something to counterbalance their hectic life and so she started a lifestyle blog called Onnellinen Kirsikka- Happy cherry. The name is derived from a song which she sang along with her sister to the newborn baby. Micu blogs about their new home, the goodies she bakes and everyday life.

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