Tag: Quick

Paneer Salad

I'm super excited to post this recipe, 'cuz it's one of my all time favourite salads and the talented chef of this recipe is...

Healthy Smoked Salmon Salad

Do you believe in child labour? I firmly do! Now don't get me wrong, this only applies to my own little minions. It's important to me...

Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes

Well frankly speaking the inspiration of this vegan recipe is Anupa! I have baked cakes etc with eggs and diary and never got around to...

Quick Fix Couscous Salad

When it comes to quick and easy food ideas, you can't beat Couscous recipes. Just pour boiling water over the couscous, soak for 5...

Easy Mushroom Quinoa

How often in the past year have you come across the word 'Quinoa', (pronounced “keenwah”)? Quinoa originated in the area surrounding Lake Titicaca in...

Colourful Beetroot Hummus

For the love of color I loved Beets as a kid but not for edible reasons. We were in our tweens, the difficult age where...

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One Pot Mexican Quinoa

It's not easy to commit to a gluten-free diet,...

Mini Pumpkin Pancakes

How time flies! 2022 has gone by so fast...

Easy Chia Pudding

Superfood blog post alert! Why not put on that...

Healthy Overnight Oats

Have you ever had oatmeal? I wasn't ever a...

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce

If there is one thing my family can eat...