Tag: party

Bulgur Lentil Pilaf

I love a good biryani, don't you? Ramadan is the time you get the fragrance of Biryani on every floor of my apartment complex, close...

Dal Ghosht

Welcome back to another one of my favourite recipes! Mutton is such a versatile meat and quite an indulgence for me, I love it...

Healthy Carrot Cake

I love veggies, probably more than fruit. And I'm quite a sneak when it comes to getting the right amount of veggies into my...

Two Way Stuffed Peppers

Hello and welcome to another easy recipe post. But other than being an easy fix, this recipe has a tiny hidden ingredient which is brown...

Hidden Veggie Chicken Poppers

My kids are not fussy eaters, they will eat your basic veggies without much of a fuss. But introduce them to something like Okra,...

Rocket Leaf Salad

Rocket leaf (Arugula) or it's Arabic cousin Gerger as we call it here in Dubai is a bitter green low-calorie salad leaf holding just...

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Easy Chia Pudding

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Healthy Overnight Oats

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Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce

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