Salmon Teriyaki

There are days when you are busy and then there are some days when you barely get a chance to breath, it can be pretty crazy sometimes especially if you have hectic social life like I do. Despite my busy schedule I love cooking from scratch for my family. I do a fair share of bulk cooking over the weekend and prep ahead for the weekdays. With the intense summer months on, we prefer eating light meals, vegetarian fare or at the most seafood. Salmon is a weekly staple for us. We love having it grilled, baked, as salmon fishcakes, curry; the list is pretty much endless.

Salmon is considered a superfood because it contains omega-3 fatty acids, you can protect your heart by eating salmon just twice a week. The compounds in salmon (perhaps omega 3 fats like EPA and DHA) might also contribute to modulating insulin. The protein in salmon also improves bone density and strength. Eating Salmon reduces the risk of depression. The brain is 60 percent fat and most of that is the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, which is critical it is for brain function and a healthy nervous system. So eating salmon twice per week provides you with enough omega-3 fatty acids for the entire week and each 4-ounce serving gives you over 100 percent of your daily needs for vitamin D.

Salmon Teriyaki is a quick fix recipe I devised especially for those busy days, it’s only the marinating part that takes time, the rest is easy and fast. You can serve this with steamed rice, quinoa or even noodles. Hope you like this easy and healthy recipe. Use the hashtag #saffronbowl in social media, I would love to see your creations.


6 fresh salmon steaks (organic and wild preferably)


3 cloves garlic finely minced

2 teaspoon ginger minced

5 tsp teriyaki sauce

2 tsp brown sugar

1 tbsp white vinegar or lemon juice

1 tsp freshly cracked black pepper

1 tbsp pink Himalayan salt

1 teaspoon sesame oil


green onions for garnish if desired

black and white sesame seeds for garnish if desired

Grease a large rimmed baking sheet (cover with foil and then grease for easier clean-up). Preheat oven to 180ËšC.

Combine all the marinade ingredients and stir until brown sugar is dissolved. Pour the marinade over the salmon steaks, cover and let marinate for a minimum of 20 minutes (at room temp or refrigerated). Place the marinated salmon steaks on a prepared baking dish and pour the remaining marinade in. Bake at 180ËšC for 15 minutes or until salmon is flaky and cooked through, bake times may vary by thickness and cut of salmon.

Remove it from the oven and glaze it with the juices of the marinate. Turn the broiler on and let the salmon boil for 5 minutes until it attains a beautiful brown colour. Once the salmon is out of the oven, spoon over more of the teriyaki sauce that’s in the baking dish, then sprinkle with spring onions and sesame seeds as desired.

Tip- Make sure you only use the freshest of ingredients, especially the ginger and garlic has to be fresh. The same marinade can be used for tuna steaks and even beef, but the baking time for beef is much longer.

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