‘Hidden Veggie’ Egg Drop Soup

Hello, this one’s a special ‘sneak’ post. Do you see that egg drop soup? Looks fabulous doesn’t it?

Can you spot any veggies floating in it?


Look again buddy, there’s some finely shredded cabbage in there. I’m not kidding, it’s really there! If I could fool you, it was pretty easy to fool my kiddos. Cabbage is the ‘boring’ veggie in my home. Actually, have you ever heard anyone declare ‘cabbage’ as their favourite veggie. Yup, neither have I 🙂 It’s not on my favourite list either, yes, I do have a ‘list’ of favourites, Okra, bell peppers, mushrooms, Eggplant….no space for cabbage here.

I really had to rack my brains for this one. I remembered that on that rare occasion when we dine out, Sweet Corn Chicken Soup is the first thing the kids order. Egg drop soup is pretty much the same thing, minus the baddie ‘gmo’ corn.

If you finely shred cabbage, it looks just like the egg dropped ripple effect on the soup. So here goes nothing was my first thought! IF the kids reject it, I can always try something else. The kids love this soup so much that it has now become a weekly favourite (or demand more like it). I always get that tingling feeling of excitement after a recipe success story (don’t ask me how many fails I had to go through, that’s enough to fill another blog, haha!).

So, only tired and tested recipes for this blog.

Do give this soup a chance with your kids, it’s so simple, and I’m quite sure the ingredients are already with you.


4 cups Chicken Broth

1-2 cups finely shredded cabbage

2 eggs (whisked)

1 heaped tbsp cornstarch

2 tsp finely grated ginger (optional if your kids don’t like it)

1 tsp sesame oil

2-3 spring onions for garnishing

Salt & freshly ground black pepper

1 tbsp light soy sauce (optional)

1 tbsp sugar (optional)

1 cup boiled and shredded chicken as a garnish (optional)

Heat up the sesame oil in your soup pot and put the ginger and cabbage to this along with a dash of salt, stir this around for a minute. Now cover to let the cabbage get tender. Next add the chicken broth to this (water is fine, in case there is no bone broth available) and bring it to a boil. Bring down to a simmer. Mix the cornstarch with some luke warm water and add this to the soup, keep stirring this until it thickens. If you plan to add sugar, this goes in now. Bring the heat to a medium level and slowly drizzle in the eggs into the soup stirring constantly, it will quickly form into lovely ribbon like swirls. Another two more minutes and you can turn off the flame. Adjust the soy sauce, salt and pepper; keep in mind that bone broth and soy sauce have high salt levels.

To garnish this, pour them into individual soup bowls and top it off with the shredded chicken and spring onions.

Tip- If your kids don’t like spring onions, how about making it colourful with grated carrots as a garnish? I love snow peas too and if you gently stream them, this works as a wonderful garnish. Let your imagination go wild, and encourage your kids to voice out their preferences too with the veggies.

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