Date & Apple Nibbles

Apple donuts?! I just couldn’t believe that my daughter had come up with such a simple and healthy recipe (and this was way back in 2014!) . When it comes to my lil’ girl, I must say she is deeply intrigued with the daily kitchen activities at our home. I love involving the kids in every aspect of food, especially on baking days I ensure both kids are actively involved cracking eggs, whipping up cake batter and helping with the sprinkles. The whole family loves baking days and the aromas that waft from the kitchen are always so comforting and gets me reminiscing my childhood, as I relished mom’s baked treats.

Now, we don’t always have the time to turn the oven on and labor over cookies and cupcakes for the kids. Especially if you’re a working mom and kids are always hungry for after school snacks! I keep racking my brains for a quick snack ideas for the kids, which can be healthy to some level. So my daughter came up with this wonderful idea when she saw me slicing up some apples. We quickly went into a creative mode with Apples and Dates and put this together with the toppings and sure enough, it was licked and munched by everyone. Here’s the recipe (more like a DIY for the kids), do try it and tag #saffronbowl with your creations.


1 Apple (Red or Green variety)

1 dozen Dates, pitted and sliced in half

Nut butters like Peanut Butter, Almond Butter or Cashew Butter

Topping Options

Chocolate Chips

Chopped Pistachios

Cake Sprinkles

Cocoa Nibs

Dark Chocolate curls

Chia Seeds

Sliced Almonds

Sliced Pistachios

Bee Pollen

Goji Berries



Cream Cheese

Wash the apples well, core them and slice into 1 cm in thick roundels, spread the nut butter over each apple slice (I used Peanut Butter). Place the dates on a platter with the pitted sides up and delicately stuff each date with the nut butter (I used Almond Butter, I love this combo with Pistachios). Now top it off with with whatever toppings your kids prefer. Enjoy this delightful snack.

Tip- You can also try the same with cored Pears and spread cream cheese if you can tolerate dairy.

Health Bytes

Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

Cocoa Nibs have fiber, antioxidants with the presence of Magnesium and Potassium, can fight cardiovascular disease and is a natural mood enhancer.

Flax Seed are High in Fiber, but Low in Carbs, good for your skin and Hair. Can lower Cholesterol and are High in Antioxidants and is great for cancer patients.

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