D.I.Y. Glutenfree Flour

Here’s a recipe for a simple Gluten Free flour mix that I have created, since my kids were found to be allergic to the store bought gluten-free flours or any processed food with Guar Gum/Xanthum Gum (an ingredient used for binding). This is primarily a rice and oat and tapioca flour based mix, so when you bakes cakes, cupcakes or substitute this for breads, bear in mind that once you refrigerate it, even the softest cake will turn hard when it’s cold (unlike white flour cakes). So, make sure you keep it out and bring them to room temperature or just warm it up in the microwave or oven.

These ingredients are readily available in any large supermarket or specialty store and are aren’t expensive at all. I have successfully used this flour for cakes, cookies, donuts and of course my kids favorite- pancakes too.


400 gms Rice Flour (super fine grain)

1.5 cups Glutenfree whole Oats

1 cup Tapioca flour

1 cup Quinoa Flour

Grind the oats to a fine flour like consistency. Place all the above ingredients into a really large mixing bowl, use a whisk and combine the flours well, this needs to be really well incorporated, so this will roughly involve 10 minutes of manual mixing. If you don’t have the time, you can even use a stand mixer to do the job or pulse it in a food processor for a faster and more through mix. Store this in a clean jar or container and use it cup for cup as per the recipe requirement. This is a light non grainy Gluten free flour from this mix.

Tip- You can even add ready made glutenfree oat flour to this (I prefer making my own oat flour, but several organic stores have GF oat flour available. Quinoa flour can be substituted with sorghum flour too. For the self raising version of this flour, add 5 tsp baking powder (GF version) plus 2 tsp baking soda (GF version)

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