Crustless Potato & Broccoli Quiche

Ever spotted any early risers here on a friday? Friday and Saturdays are the weekend here in Dubai and most people simply roll out of bed by 11am, just in time for the ever popular Friday brunch. My family loves eggs, we have a lot of jokes about this too, but seriously we just can’t think of a weekend brunch without Eggs! Now please don’t be under the impression that I’m an early riser and make everything from scratch. The truth is far from it. Yes, I do make it from scratch, but I always prep the night before. This Crustless Potato & Broccoli Quiche makes a fabulous brunch addition, so do give it a try (you can even get your kids to help you with the prep).

Save this recipe as a base for multiple combinations of veggies like- Mushrooms, bell peppers, broccoli, zucchini, sweet potato, sausage, salmon, bacon. Eggs have so many health benefits and teamed up with veggies like Broccoli and Mushrooms, it’s the perfect meal to kick start your busy weekend. If you aren’t allergic to dairy, feel free to crumble some feta into the batter.


2 potatoes cubed small

1 cup small broccoli florets

2 tablespoons olive oil

6 large eggs

¼ cup finely sliced leeks

2 garlic cloves minced

1 cup Milk of your choice- Camel/ Almond/Soy/ Coconut Milk

1 bunch chives, chopped fine

salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Place the potatoes in a small saucepan, cover with water, add a little salt and bring to a simmer, half way add your Broccoli, cook until the broccoli changes colour and feels tender. Drain the veggies and set aside.

Heat olive oil in a skillet, add garlic and leeks and sauté for about 2 minutes. In a medium mixing bowl whisk together salt, pepper and eggs. Add milk and incorporate it well. Add to this the prepped Broccoli and Potatoes.

Grease a 9 inch baking pan and pour in the egg mixture, sprinkle chives on top. Bake until golden and puffed, about 1 hour.

Here’s another time is made it only with Broccoli and omitted the Potatoes.

Tip- Prep the veggies and leave them overnight in the refrigerator and just do the baking next day, easy as that! If you have frozen broccoli, just perk them up in some hot water and they instantly become tender to the touch. If you use a muffin tin, you can bake this as individual portions, which look absolutely adorable and helps out with portion control. Any left-over muffins work out as a perfect addition to the kids lunch box.

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