Rocket Leaf Salad

Rocket leaf (Arugula) or it’s Arabic cousin Gerger as we call it here in Dubai is a bitter green low-calorie salad leaf holding just 25 calories in a 100 grams bunch.

These leaves are rich in folates, antioxidant strength and its compounds may even offer protection against prostate, breast, cervical, colon, ovarian cancers by their cancer-cell growth inhibition. Arugula also contains healthy levels of of vitamin A, vitamin B-6 , vitamin K (Vitamin K has a potential role in bone health by bone formation and strengthening activity). Adequate amounts of dietary vitamin-K levels help to limit neuronal damage in the brain. So it’s a wonderful leaf for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Move over Kale, Arugula is my new raw superfood!

Eating a plant based diet is not a fad, it’s something that was considered very basic from the Palaeolithic days. Starting this as early as possible offers a myriad of health benefits, you can chuck that expensive multi vitamin supplement that you pop in your mouth daily. Eating from the natural source offers the best way for your body to absorb the nutrients.

Hope you like this simple salad idea that I have created with a middle eastern twist. Don’t forget to tag #saffronbowl in social media with your own creation.


100 grams Rocket leaf

12 cherry tomatoes

50- 100 grams of cubed or crumbled Feta cheese

1 onion

1 tsp sumac powder


2 tbsps lemon juice

4tbsps extra virgin olive oil

Himalayan salt/rock salt (optional)

Wash the Rocket leaves well pat dry with a paper towel before putting together the salad. Slice each cherry tomato in half. Slice the onion into thin rings and toss all these together with the cubed Feta cheese in a bowl. Mix the dressing ingredients along with the rest of the salad. Just before serving, sprinkle the Sumac powder on top of the salad.

Tip – Depending on the kind of Feta cheese you buy, the salt in this salad is optional, as most Feta available has a lot of salt content in it already. If you don’t have access to Sumac, you can always substitute with sweet Paprika. If you like nuts, then an addition of pine nuts takes this salad to the next level.

Here’s how the same salad looks with Arabic Gerger leaves, crumbled feta and sliced up tomatoes.

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