Healthy Fruit Kababs

How often have you seen a kid willingly eat fruits? It’s a rare sight isn’t it nowadays? Kids today are so easily tempted with cookies, candies and chips of every variety. Even we adults can’t stop ourselves sometimes. Each of these processed food packages have a list of 20 ingredients, some sound so toxic that you can’t even pronounce the word. Fruit are natures candies, but that’s something our kids just aren’t wiling to try. Way back, probably our grandparents times, when people visited, they often took fruit as a choice of gift to their hosts. In those times, these were organic and most probably grown in their very own kitchen garden.

I’m lucky that my kids know the relevance of eating right, not because I had to drill in it, but thanks to their schools that took on the initiative of healthy eating right since when they were in Kindergarten. Sometimes my kids get this habit of being stuck with certain kinds of fruit and are quite stubborn to try anything new. Here’s a way to get into their groove by making them these attractive Fruit Kababs. I use toothpicks when I need to send these in their lunchboxes and satay skewers for when I serve them at kids parties. If you go to any Daiso/ dirham store, you will be spoilt for choice with the variety of skewers available there.


1/2 cup bite size pieces of oranges

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup raspberries

1/2 cup strawberries cut in rounds

a bunch of toothpicks

Skewer up the fruit bits one by one onto the toothpick. Make sure the colours contrast so they look more appealing to the eye. You can have any combination of fruit, put some that your kids already like and add in new ones for them to try, in their enthusiasm they will eat up the entire thing.

Here are other fruit choices they might like, cut up apples, pineapple, kiwi’s, dragon fruit and watermelon. Mix and match and enjoy that moment when you see them devouring it!

PARTY TIP– Make these fruit kababs and place them on a serving platter. Take melted white chocolate and melted dark chocolate and top the fruit kababs with swirls of the chocolate. Mmmmm… unressistable!

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