Paneer Salad

I’m super excited to post this recipe, ‘cuz it’s one of my all time favourite salads and the talented chef of this recipe is my dear aunt Suma. This particular salad takes me down memory lane when my cousins and I met up on special occasions and of course the food we brought to the table was always something mouth-watering. My aunt being a vegetarian always contributed the veggie dishes and my sis and I would make a beeline to her bowl of salad, we would keep nibbling at it while quietly making sure no one noticed our little indulgence.

This is a salad is really quite simple, with only 3 key ingredients and goes really well when you are serving an Indian meal. It also works out as a wonderful grain free snack idea, as long as you have portion control. The main ingredient is Paneer (cottage cheese) which you can source from your milkman (in India) or the nearest hypermarket here in the G.C.C (they are available fresh or frozen). Please stick with the fresh option, it really makes a huge difference to the flavour. So here’s the recipe, I’m sure you will love it. Do share your creations by tagging on social media as #saffronbowl


200 grams cubed paneer

1 large green bell pepper chopped finely

1 cup fresh/ frozen sweet corn

Chopped coriander leaves (optional)


1 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt

juice of 1 lemon

1 tsp freshly crushed black pepper

1/2 tsp chaat masala (optional)

1/2 tsp fine sugar (optional)

If you have frozen corn, make sure you defrost it first and cook it until tender. Same goes for the fresh version, it needs to be cleaned well and cooked in salted water until tender to the touch. In a large salad bowl mix the bell pepper, sweet corn and the paneer cubes. In a separate small mixing bowl mix the ingredients for the dressing well and drizzle this all over the veggies. Mix this all together delicately as the paneer is pretty soft and might crumble and loose shape. And finally, garnish it with the chopped coriander and serve this as a delicious side to your main course.

Tip- If you can handle a bit of spice, add finely chopped green chilles to the salad. Vegans can try the same with cubed tofu.

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